
Notes by bbeanLI

Assume all quotes are from Armada unless stated otherwise.

Crouching against Nair is really broken in the mu -Crouch shine at cc% is really good

Grabbing people's landings is really strong in this matchup -Fox isn't reacting here, they're assuming you'll land at a certain timing -Against grab heavy foxes waveland back beats it

In punish off a grab upthrow is more reliable than upsmash -Upsmash typically preys on bad DI -Upthrow is consistent -Both are fine options but upthrow will net you bigger punishes more often

When edgeguarding a side b mixup try covering with dashattack or doublejab into shine -Dashattack is easier to land and covers all side b distances -At low% people can airdodge back on stage -Doublejab will work at all %s. -Won't work on unshortened side b.

"If you're bad at the regrab and chaingrabs then that's clearly something you should work on. It's pretty much to me the bread and butter with Fox on platform stages. Chaingrab to platforms..." -At low%s play the 50/50 of do they tech in place / techroll. -At higher%s do a falling upair on where they land and react if they techroll.

When the other fox is hit to the "no go zone" you have 2 really strong reads to take early stocks. -Fullhop shine to cover doublejump forward -Dashattack the edge to cover grabbing ledge -This an either straight up kill or set up for an Armada shine

A common techs even top players miss is getting knocked down after missing an aerial. -Example given is fox nairs/drills in and gets upthrown to sideplat for it. -This misses because most players still use hard presses for Lcancels forcing a tech lockout. -Sidenote: if you know your opponent is a boxx player assume they can hit it. -Be aware of these for free early punishes

People tend to techroll away in shine scrambles.

In general you can laserland on sideplats if you're afraid to ledgedash and still get GALINT.

Slideoff DI very good when getting techchased on sideplat -Especially good on FoD where many people techchase with single hit upair on low plats.

When someone is trying to land from high up wait till as late as possible to hit them -This gives you time to see where they commit -Only one fullhop should be needed to hit them

If you think they'll hit your side b with a dash attack di slightly out. -Fox gets no followup similarly to peach dtilting the edge.

At 0% you can cc shine Fox's upb at the ledge and it will kill

When fox up b's to ledge from above you can consistently run off shine -Will take practice but it is consistent

At low%s catch fox with upairs when he's falling -Other aerials don't have nearly the same reward and could even be punished -"Even if you land [upair] half as often at these low percentages it will still be more than double the reward. Only backair if it hits them offstage here."

(On not FD) at 40ish% on no di upthrow do a sh upair -Armada think's this is the best option punish wise