Notes by bbeanLI
Assume all quotes are from Fiction unless stated otherwise.
Fullhop double jump mixups are good on stages with a top plat. Not fd or pokemon stadium.
"Samus is a very limited character. She doesn't have a lot of options but she has at least one option that beats any sort of committal option by Fox." -Fox example if you nair at her she can wd back dsmash/dtilt or upb oos -"Just because she can cover it doesn't mean she can cover the majority of things often enough"
Because her options are so limited this means her decision making is limited.
The goal is to play around those limited scenarios.
"Some of her main moves to counter what Fox does are dtilt uptilt and wavedash and upb oos. Those are her moves that beat your moves. Once she's in the air she doesn't have moves that beat your moves. All she has is like drop and nair."
Playing close to her shield is safe because she doesn't have a shield grab. -Only afraid of upb oos -Look for ways to further limit her -Such as putting her in the air
Nair landing in front of her shield is really strong -You can't get hit by upb oos -You can mix in grab to throw her up -KJH likes to dtilt here as samus' shield isn't good by her feet -"A really solid mixup is to run up and down tilt because a lot of times she has to shield to protect herself from your nair or wavedash back. It will poke usually on full shield." -dtilt around 72% on di in combos to kill
The dtilt is useful at a lot of %s because it puts her in the air. Mix this with grabbing and now Fox has multiple ways to force Samus into the air even when shielding. -Having both of these options changes the mixup game significantly
"A lot of Fox mains have this habit where they get into this spot where they're dashdancing and their opponent is doing things while you look for a weird spacing to nair or drill in. And those options are really good against basically the entire cast except for Samus... for the most part just dashdancing and aerialing in randomly a lot of times Samus will be able to deal with." -Aerialing in randomly is bad because of Samus' many responses including wd back dtilt/dsmash, cc, upb oos
Samus doesn't have good ways to challenge Fox's dashdance. -Samus has to wavedash in dtilt/ftilt -both fairly committal
Samus will dodge multiple hits of drill. -Fox has to drift the drill towards her -Focus on getting as few hits of drill as possible
"She has these parts of her character that are way too strong like she gets out of drill for free, has an invincible out of shield option, and can wavedash back faster than Fox can approach due to her acceleration on the wavedash. She has these strong aspects of her character but those are just the strong aspects while the other parts of her character are super weak." -Don't think of her as a normal character with annoying things like upb oos and cc dsmash -In reality she doesn't have most things good character's have. She just has specific weird things that all add up to make her fairly strong
Because of Samus' random super strengths and super weaknesses you have to play against her very differently.
Don't think about the matchup based on her threat range, think based on your options first then how to protect yourself.
Armada made it a point that running shine is Fox's best opener in the matchup by a lot. -Samus has little to do against dashback dash in shine. -Beats uptilt/ftilt/dsmash in place -If she chases your dashback it resets the scenario -Running shine leads to big damage with going into uptilt at lower %s and upsmash to kill
"The idea is you're looking for some kind of opening to get her into the air."