Notes by bbeanLI
Assume all quotes are from Fiction unless stated otherwise.
Don't fullhop at falcon in the first place -This is because Falcon has a better fullhop and double jump than Fox. -If you do, don't double jump. You'll get put offstage with no jump.
You cannot chase Captain Falcon, you can't do it. -"Falcon is like Puff but like 20 times worse to try to chase him." -"If you chase a Puff most of the time you just get baired if you chase a Falcon most of the time you lose a stock." -If falcon is running away from you hold space and don't let them do something stupid. -"If he's like throwing out moves everywhere... and he's just stomping across the stage and running around the platforms it can be very tempting to feel like he shouldn't be able to get away with that... but he can. That's just Captain Falcon."
Fox is the slow character against Falcon -Falcon's movement is better than Fox's -"This completely changes how you should think of the matchup because he is like more Fox than you are in this matchup." -"You have to play this matchup more like you are Marth and he is Fox moreso than you being the Fox." -You will never hit the Falcon who is moving around the stage whiffing moves. -"They will do some random thing where they just do something like those retreating stomps. This is what happens when you try to hit a faster character." -"If I'm playing Peach against your Fox and I try to hit you you're just going to move away and hit me and it seems so obvious because you're the fast guy. But Falcon is even faster than Fox by like a lot"
Crouching is really strong against Falcon -Stomp and knee are reactable with shield. -Nair and upsmash all lose to cc. -Instant bair and upair whiff making them reactable as they have to fall on you. -All the tilts are bad -His only response is grab -Fox can spotdodge shine
Don't jump towards Falcon ever -All of Falcon's aerials destroy fox's short hop and full hop
When falcon's landing he's bad from behind -He only has bair -Go behind him every time
Never wavedash against Falcon in neutral -"Let's say you're standing directly in front of me and you wavedash back so I can hit stomp during your wavedash back. And suddenly this whole thing where I can't hit you with my moves if I happen to read you here with your wavedash you can't reactively shield during your wavedash." -"As a general rule you don't want to be wavedashing because if I read it you lose that big advantage of none of Falcon's moves working"
A good TL:DR is that general movement habits against other characters leave you vulnerable against Falcon
Being close to Falcon is not more dangerous than being far away from falcon -All Falcon's aerials come out at the exact same timing regardless of where he jumps from -"More important than being far away from Falcon is being in an unpredictable position" -On the ground -Falcon doesn't have hitboxes that linger or and fast enough to hit you moving. Has to be percise on placement. -"Spacing out Falcon doesn't really work. You don't want to be in the position he wants you do be." -Best Falcon's threaten a grab then nair. -The grab is high commitment -Running under nair is strong as the reverse side of nair is bad. -Run up crouch better than run up wd down.
Edgeguard flowchat is mostly just bair -Not much of a reason to go for other moves including shine -Shine is useful at low %s however -Rising drill can be alright too when recovering low -Do not grab the ledge unless he's going to double jump to the ledge -In that case do a getup attack or regular getup -Sometimes you can double jump from edge and bair to catch his airdodge -Roll to ledge sets up for a perfect position to start placing bairs -To hit Falcon's drifting around you to grab ledge fade a short hop bair offstage and tapjump to grab ledge -Tapjump is used to buffer the jump frame 1 to regrab edge
Always try to find a second to shoot 2 lasers at falcon
If you double hit falcon with upair at 0% it will knock down -This is notable as most other moves will not knock down at 0%
Upsmash doesn't knock down at 0% -Always open with a laser for this reason
Falling single hit upair does not knock down after 1 laser -Go for it after 2 lasers -Best combo starter in the matchup -"If you are able to successfully hit me with a falling up air at any point for any reason your brain needs to go into this psycho mode where the only thing you can think about is more upairs" -"When you hit that upair you should become nothing more than a crackhead that wants more upairs" -When Falcon is eventually coming down from the upairs you can always position yourself behind him like mentioned earlier
"Your goal is basically you up air like crazy. If Falcon DI's off stage far enough that you can edgeguard him. You don't want him to double jump to edge. Upair until 80% before you bair him to ledge." -Most of the time you get these upairs -Don't bair them offstage unless they're in the air