“The Fox ditto is won and lost on two things which is edgeguarding and reversals”
General / Neutral
- “The Fox ditto is won and lost on two things which is edgeguarding and reversals”
- You don’t want to force too much because of Fox’s defensive game (shine out of shield, fullhops, dashback, ect)
- When neutral resets it’s typically better to be moving around rather than trying to hit the other Fox. This will reduce the chances of getting hit by a reversal.
- “Try to minimize the number of decisions you make that are punishable”
- Fox is such a solid character that you don’t need to commit or make big reads.
- By default if everything is going your way the match should go opening > armada shine > opening > armada shine. The better players are just better at avoiding this.
- Fullhopping through center is really strong as opposed to grounded options.
- Shorthop nair pokes aren’t a great neutral option. It gets too easily stuffed by fullhop.
- Shorthop nair’s only bonus over fullhop nair is that it comes out faster. But in this matchup you care more about positioning rather than frame data.
- “Fullhop is a vertical dashback. You come down and punish but if you don’t like what you see while you’re up there you just doublejump and go to top plat.”
- The main way you want to be losing neutral is by the opposing Fox reading your fullhops.
- Fiction likes to start the ditto with fullhops rather than playing the ground game.
- You pressure fox by dashdancing and moving. Use frame advantages to allow the other player to whiff in a panic.
- You want combos to lead to edgeguards rather than damage.
- At around the 80% range it’s hard to kill Fox off of anything other than a grab
- “Getting a lot of damage into a kill is kinda the worst case”